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Are you looking for an introduction to WordPress plugin development that will discuss all of the important steps and hold your hand along the way? If so, you’re in luck. This tutorial will outline the basics of what you need to know about designing your own plugins and some pointers on best practices.

您是否正在寻找WordPress插件开发的介绍,该讨论将讨论所有重要步骤并一路过关斩将? 如果是这样,那么您很幸运。 本教程将概述您在设计自己的插件时需要了解的基础知识,以及一些有关最佳做法的指针。

WordPress Plugin Development

什么是WordPress插件? (What Are WordPress Plugins?)

Plugins are one of WordPress’ most powerful assets. In essence, plugins are modules you activate on your website to provide a series of features or elements.

插件是WordPress最强大的资产之一。 本质上,插件是您在网站上激活以提供一系列功能或元素的模块。

The functionality you can add to your website depends on what each specific plugin has been created to do. There are a wide selection of plugins, ranging from simple plugins (such as ones that add styling or small theme changes) all the way to extensive plugins (that provide significant changes such as eCommerce integrations or third party connections).

您可以添加到网站的功能取决于每个特定插件的创建方式。 插件的选择范围很广,从简单的插件(例如添加样式或小的主题更改的插件)一直到扩展的插件(提供重大更改,例如电子商务集成或第三方连接)。

Plugins are different from your theme and work independently, using hooks, filters, shortcode, widgets and custom code to perform their functionality.


优点,缺点和注意事项 (Strengths, Weaknesses & Considerations)

Plugins are great, they provide both developers and admins with a way to extend and re-use functionality. While they are a great tool they do still have both their strengths and weaknesses.

插件很棒,它们为开发人员和管理员提供了一种扩展和重用功能的方法。 尽管它们是一个很好的工具,但是它们仍然具有优点和缺点。

长处 (Strengths)

  • You can add plugins with almost any theme and expect it to work correctly. Plugins were created to be modular so that you can copy into a new project (or distribute) which is great.

    您可以添加几乎任何主题的插件,并期望它能正常工作。 插件的创建是模块化的,因此您可以将其复制到新项目(或分发)中,这很棒。
  • A plugin acts as a container for all of your code and elements. If you were to build similar functionality in the theme you might get the elements mixed up. With a plugin, everything that needs to function exists within a single package.

    插件充当所有代码和元素的容器。 如果要在主题中构建类似的功能,则可能会混淆元素。 使用插件,所有需要运行的功能都存在于单个程序包中。
  • They are easy to make and can take advantage of WordPress’s action and filter hooks.

  • Can be created easily in an Object Orientated fashion, creating more robust and manageable code.


弱点 (Weaknesses)

  • Limited access to the website’s theme. Plugins can’t output code directly into a location on a theme. A theme has to provide an area for your plugin to output such as the content area or via a widget area.

    对网站主题的访问受限。 插件无法将代码直接输出到主题的某个位置。 主题必须提供一个供插件输出的区域,例如内容区域或通过小部件区域。
  • Plugin conflicts do occur. Sometimes another plugin (or even the theme) will negatively affect your plugin and it can ruin the experience (for example, you could be using the WordPress media uploader and it has been altered and not longer functions as expected, ruining your plugin).

    确实发生插件冲突。 有时,另一个插件(甚至主题)会对您的插件产生负面影响,并且可能破坏体验(例如,您可能正在使用WordPress媒体上传器,并且该插件已被更改且不再能按预期运行,从而破坏了您的插件)。
  • Limited access to templates and design. Plugins are supposed to provide the functionality and the theme provides the styling.

    对模板和设计的访问受限。 插件应提供功能,而主题应提供样式。

核心概念–操作,过滤器,简码,小部件等 (Core Concepts – Actions, Filters, Shortcodes, Widgets and More)

Let’s take a moment to talk about some key aspects of plugin development.


You might be familiar with these areas if you have worked on WordPress themes, however, a solid understanding of how these concepts work will help you build easy to use and maintainable functionality.


动作(挂钩) (Actions (Hooks))

An action hook is an activity that is performed by WordPress at a specific time. When this action is triggered it will find all functions that have been attached to this action and execute them in the correct order.

action挂钩是WordPress在特定时间执行的活动。 触发此操作后,它将找到该操作已附加的所有功能,并以正确的顺序执行它们。

WordPress has dozens of actions defined throughout its core functionality, each action consisting of a unique name. For example, when WordPress is saving a post (such as a post, page or other content type) it will call the action save_postwhich will look for any functions attached to this action.

WordPress在其整个核心功能中定义了许多动作,每个动作都由一个唯一的名称组成。 例如,当WordPress保存帖子(例如帖子,页面或其他内容类型)时,它将调用操作save_post ,该操作将查找与此操作相关的所有功能。

All actions are defined using the function. This function takes in the following parameters

所有动作均使用函数定义。 该函数采用以下参数

  • $tag (required)

    $tag (必填)

  • $args (optional one or more variables)

    $args (可选的一个或多个变量)

Overall, each action will have its name (its tag) and also an optional number of additional useful variables (there could be multiple or zero additional variables)


一个简单的WordPress操作 (A Simple WordPress Action)

Let’s consider the save_post action hook. This action takes in four values. The first value is the name of the action, while the other three are additional variables that can be accessed (containing the id of the post, the post object itself and also if the posts exists and is being updated)

让我们考虑一下save_post操作钩子。 此操作采用四个值。 第一个值是操作的名称,而其他三个是可以访问的其他变量(包含帖子的ID,帖子对象本身,以及帖子是否存在以及是否正在更新)

//the save_post action hookdo_action(`save_post`, $post_ID, $post, $update);

You can hook onto this action so that when a post is saved you can do something else, such as send and email or update the database.


创建自己的动作 (Creating Your Own Actions)

While WordPress comes with plenty of actions you can define your own. Creating your own actions will give you an easy way to call your functionality at set points throughout your theme or plugin.

尽管WordPress附带了很多动作,但是您可以定义自己的动作。 创建自己的动作将为您提供一种简便的方法,可以在整个主题或插件的设定点调用功能。

Let’s use the do_action function to create our new action. We will be creating an action that will be called straight after the title on single pages.

让我们使用do_action函数创建我们的新动作。 我们将创建一个动作,该动作将在单pages title之后立即被调用。

//create a new action to be used after our page titledo_action('page_subtitle', $post);

When a single page is displayed it will show the title as normal and then afterwards it will hit our page_subtitle action. WordPress will check for any functions hooked to this action and execute them (it will pass in the global $post variable so the function knows what page it is supposed to show the subtitle for).

当显示单个page ,它将显示正常的标题,然后单击我们的page_subtitle操作。 WordPress将检查与该操作相关的任何函数并执行它们(它将传入全局$post变量,以便该函数知道应该显示其字幕的页面)。

通过调用动作来执行功能 (Executing Your Functions by Calling Your Action)

To call a specific function when an action is taking place, you need to use to attach your function. add_action takes then following parameters.

要在发生动作时调用特定的函数,您需要使用附加函数。 add_action然后采用以下参数。

  • $hook (required)

    $hook (必填)

  • $function_to_add (required)

    $function_to_add (必需)

  • $priority (optional)

    $priority (可选)

  • $accepted_args(optional, but required when the action has more than one passed variables)

    $accepted_args (可选,但在操作具有多个传递的变量时是必需的)

使用强制性参数 (Using the Mandatory Arguments)

You can call the add_action function by supplying the mandatory values of the hook name and the function to call. This is the easiest way to call your actions.

您可以通过提供钩子名称和要调用的函数的必需值来调用add_action函数。 这是调用操作的最简单方法。

//when 'save_post' is triggered, call our saving functionadd_action('save_post','save_my_custom_post');//defines our function that will handle our savingfunction save_my_custom_post($post_id){    //you will do your saving here}

As you can see, when the save_post action occurs we attach our save_my_custom_post function to it, giving us access to do something after we save.


使用所有参数(理解优先级和accepted_args值) (Using All of the Arguments (Understanding the Priority and accepted_args Values))

Sometimes using the mandatory values wont be enough. You may have to manually set the $priority and $accepted_args values to make your action work.

有时使用强制性值是不够的。 您可能必须手动设置$priority$accepted_args值才能使操作起作用。

The priority of the action determines the order in which functions will be executed. By default actions will use the value of 10 for its priority. You can set this value either higher or lower to make your function execute earlier or later. This is useful when your theme or plugins are also using the same action hook (so you can specify when your function should run).

动作的priority决定了功能执行的顺序。 默认情况下,操作将使用10作为其优先级。 您可以将此值设置得更高或更低,以使您的函数更早或更晚地执行。 当您的主题或插件也使用相同的动作挂钩时,此功能很有用(因此您可以指定何时运行函数)。

The accepted_args refer to how many variables are being passed in the add_action call. The default number of arguments that an action accepts will be one. However, if your action takes in multiple variables you have to tell WordPress how many it is taking. Let’s look at the save_post action.

accepted_args指的是在add_action调用中传递了多少个变量。 动作接受的默认参数个数为1。 但是,如果您的操作包含多个变量,则必须告诉WordPress正在执行多少操作。 让我们看一下save_post动作。

//the save post action, defined in WordPressdo_action( 'save_post', $post_ID, $post, $update );//add our function onto the 'save_post' hook, supplying priority and argsadd_action('save_post','save_my_page_extended,10,3);//function executed on save (we want all three variables)function save_my_page_extended($post_ID, $post, $update){    //access all of our variables to do some work}

The save_post action has multiple variables that can be passed to it, as such we have to set its priority and also the number of variables it will be passing. Once we have told WordPress we will be accepting multiple variables, we can add these into our function and we will be able to access them.

save_post操作具有多个可以传递给它的变量,因此我们必须设置其优先级以及传递的变量数量。 告诉WordPress之后,我们将接受多个变量,我们可以将它们添加到函数中,然后就可以访问它们。

行动摘要 (Summary of Actions)

Overall, you will use the function inside of your theme or plugin to execute code at a set location (setting the values that will be available to any hooked function). You will then use the function to hook on your specific function. You can call your action with just the bare minimum (the name of the action and the function you want to call), or you can also supply the priority and number of variables that will be passed,

总体而言,您将在主题或插件内部使用函数在设置的位置执行代码(设置将对任何挂钩函数可用的值)。 然后,您将使用函数挂接您的特定函数。 您可以只调用最小的操作(操作的名称和要调用的函数),也可以提供将要传递的变量的优先级和数量,

过滤器(挂钩) (Filters (Hooks))

A WordPress filter is a hook that accepts a variable (or series of variables) and returns them back after they have been modified. These filters are often used so that you have a way to manipulate default information.

WordPress filter是一个接受变量(或一系列变量)并在修改后返回它们的钩子。 经常使用这些过滤器,以便您可以操纵默认信息。

WordPress comes bundled with dozens of these filters and they are created using the function. This function takes in the following arguments

WordPress捆绑了许多此类过滤器,它们是使用函数创建的。 此函数接受以下参数

  • $tag (required)

    $tag (必填)

  • $value (required)

    $value (必填)

  • $var (optional)

    $var (可选)

The $tag variable is the name of the filter. The $value is the variable or value that will be filtered. The $var variable is optional but allows you to pass extra values into your function.

$tag变量是过滤器的名称。 $value是将被过滤的变量或值。 $var变量是可选的,但允许您将其他值传递到函数中。

Plugins and themes often create these filters so that you can change elements without having to modify the source itself (making them extensible). These filters are often defined inside functions.

插件和主题通常会创建这些过滤器,以便您可以更改元素而不必修改源本身(使它们可扩展)。 这些过滤器通常在函数内部定义。

一个简单的WordPress过滤器 (A Simple WordPress Filter)

The get_the_excerpt filter is a filter that you can use inside the posts loop to access the excerpt.


This filter is defined as part of WordPress’s core and only defines the name of the filter and the function to call, it doesn’t define any optional arguments.


//get the except for a post, as defined in /wp-includes/post-template.phpecho apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt() );

You could attach your own function to the the_excerpt filter and then manipulate the excerpt before you return it (for example, you could wrap it inside a container, change its content or trim its length).


创建自己的过滤器 (Creating Your Own Filters)

Let’s look at an example. If we are creating an array of names in a plugin we can make it filterable by using the apply_filters hook to tell WordPress that these values can be changed by any function that hooks onto them.

让我们来看一个例子。 如果我们要在插件中创建名称数组,则可以通过使用apply_filters挂钩告诉WordPress这些值可以通过任何挂钩到它们的函数来更改,从而使其可过滤。

//make our name value array filterable$name_values = apply_filters('filter_name_array_values',            array('Joanna','Peter'));

Creating a filter like this will let other developers (or yourself) change these values in a dynamic way. Generally, if you are inside a function or doing some sort of functionality it is good practice to offer filters to make your elements extensible.

创建这样的过滤器将使其他开发人员(或您自己)以动态方式更改这些值。 通常,如果您在某个函数内部或正在执行某种功能,则最好提供过滤器以使您的元素可扩展。

执行过滤器 (Executing Your Filters)

When you want to execute your filter you will need to use the function. This function takes the following values

当您要执行过滤器时,您将需要使用函数。 此函数采用以下值

  • $tag (required)

    $tag (必填)

  • $function_to_add (required)

    $function_to_add (必需)

  • $priority (optional)

    $priority (可选)

  • $accepted_args (optional but mandatory if we have multiple passed arguments)

    $accepted_args (可选,但如果我们有多个传递的参数则为必需)

The add_filter function works in a similar way to add_action. You define the name of the filter you want to call, along with the function that will be called and you’re good to go. Let’s look at how we can use this to filter the list of names we created in our previous example.

add_filter函数的工作方式与add_action相似。 您定义了要调用的过滤器的名称,以及将要调用的函数,这很好。 让我们看一下如何使用它来过滤在上一个示例中创建的名称列表。

//Change the saved name values by filtering themfunction add_new_names($names){    $names[] = 'Simon';    return $names;}add_filter('filter_name_array_values','add_new_names');

As you can see we are attaching our add_new_names function onto our filter_name_array_values filter and taking in a single variable of $names. When we defined our filter before with apply_filters we set the default values to be an array with the values of Joanna and Peter.

如您所见,我们将add_new_names函数附加到filter_name_array_values过滤器上,并接受一个$names变量。 当我们之前使用apply_filters定义过滤器时,我们将默认值设置为具有Joanna和Peter值的数组。

Our function here will take the existing values (which we have called $names here for simplicity) and added a new value onto the end of it called Simon.

我们这里的函数将采用现有的值(为简单起见,在这里我们将其称为$names ),并在其末尾添加一个新值,即Simon。

At the very end we return the values. Returning the values is very very important, if you don’t you will break everything. The reason the values must be returned is because any additional function also attached to that filter will receive these values. If you don’t return them they will have nothing to use.

最后,我们返回值。 返回值非常重要,如果不这样做,则会破坏一切 。 必须返回值的原因是因为任何附加到该过滤器的附加功能都将接收这些值。 如果您不退货,它们将一无所有。

筛选器摘要 (Summary of Filters)

You will use the function to create your filters inside your theme or plugin (supplying the values you wish to filter). You will then use the function to hook your specific function onto this filter, allowing you to manipulate the filtered variable and return it).

您将使用函数在主题或插件内创建过滤器(提供要过滤的值)。 然后,您将使用函数将特定函数挂接到此过滤器上,从而允许您操作过滤后的变量并将其返回)。

简码 (Shortcodes)

For a more comprehensive article on shortcodes you can read or view the or read my previous article on . The following will be a brief summary to get you up and running with shortcodes.

要获得有关简码的更全面的文章,您可以阅读或查看或者阅读我以前关于“ 文章。 以下是简短的摘要,可帮助您入门并使用短代码。

Since your plugin generally won’t have access to your theme files, you need a way to display your custom functionality to the end user while making it easy to customize by your site admin.


Shortcodes are perfect way to do this as they allow developers to create complex functionality that can be modified with simple values and attributes. These shortcodes are added to the visual editor (or other locations) and when viewed by your users they execute your code.

短代码是执行此操作的理想方法,因为它们允许开发人员创建可以用简单值和属性修改的复杂功能。 这些短代码将添加到可视化编辑器(或其他位置)中,并在用户查看时执行您的代码。

A shortcode in the editor:


WordPress Shortcode Backend Example

A shortcode when processed and displayed on the front end:


WordPress Shortcode Frontend Example

简码快速入门 (A Quick Lesson on Shortcodes)

You will need to create your shortcode using the function. This function will take in the first variable as the name of your shortcode and the second being the output_function.

您将需要使用函数创建您的简码。 该函数将第一个变量作为您的短代码name ,第二个变量作为output_function

The output_function will itself take three values; attributes, content and name. Inside of this function you will build your shortcode and return it for display.

output_function本身将采用三个值; attributescontentname 。 在此函数内,您将构建您的简码并将其返回以显示。

The parameters of the function will be looked at in further detail in our example, right now it’s fine to just ignore them.


Let’s look at a simple example:


//Add our shortcodeadd_shortcode('test_shortcode','my_shortcode_output');//perform the shortcode outputfunction my_shortcode_output($atts, $content = '', $tag){    $html = '';    $html .= '

Hello World

'; return $html;}

Now when we add the shortcode [test_shortcode] to the editor it will run our function and convert the results to <p>Hello World</p>

现在,当我们将简码[test_shortcode]添加到编辑器中时,它将运行我们的函数并将结果转换为<p>Hello World</p>

小部件 (Widgets)

If you are looking at learning more about widgets you should start with the . This page outlines the majority of what you need plus it provides a documented working example.

如果您想了解有关小部件的更多信息,则应从 。 该页面概述了您所需要的大部分内容,并提供了一个记录在案的工作示例。

Widgets are important because they give you another means of executing your plugins code while providing an easy to use interface.


widget example

A sample shortcode with configuration options.


Since most themes will support one or more sidebars; adding your own widgets will give you quick access to display your information inside the theme.

由于大多数主题将支持一个或多个侧边栏; 添加您自己的窗口小部件将使您可以快速访问以在主题内显示信息。

Widgets are more complex than shortcodes but follow the same principals – defining some options for its output and then displaying it on the front-end.


小部件简介 (A Brief Intro to Widgets)

To create a widget you need to extend the class. WordPress has created an object orientated approach to widgets and they exists as a class; this class needs to be extended to provide your functionality.

要创建小部件,您需要扩展类。 WordPress创建了一种面向对象的小部件方法,它们作为类存在。 此类需要扩展以提供您的功能。

Let’s look at a basic widget example:


//class for our widgetclass my_widget extends WP_widget{    //constructor (sets basic elements for the widget)    public function __construct(){        parent::__construct(            'my_widget', // Base ID            'My Widget', // Name            array( 'description' => 'An awesome widget') // Args        );        add_action('widgets_init',array($this,'register_widget'));    }    //handles front end display    public function widget($args,$instance ){        echo $args['before_widget'];        echo $instance['title'];        echo $args['after_widget'];    }    //handles back end widget display    public function form($instance){        $title = (isset($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '');        echo '';    }    //handles saving    public function save($new_instance, $old_instance){        $instance = array();        $title = $new_instance['title'];        return $instance;    }    //registers the widget with WordPress    public function register_widget(){        register_widget('my_widget');    }}$my_widget = new my_widget;

This will produce a basic widget in which you can save a text value and display it to the front end, as you can see the output is pretty boring.


widget example output

In the upcoming real world example we will look into widgets in more depth.


类(面向对象的设计) (Classes (Object Orientated Design))

Object Orientated Design (OOD) is a different development technique in which you build your functionality around the concept of classes.


Classes are a way to store related functions and values inside of a single entity, giving you a single location for your development. The overall purpose of object orientated design is create an object that performs your functionality.

类是在单个实体内部存储相关功能和值的一种方法,为您的开发提供了单个位置。 面向对象设计的总体目的是创建一个执行功能的object

Plugins are a perfect candidate for object orientated design as they are separate modules created to perform a task on your website. Your plugin will generally contain its own CSS and JavaScript files along with potentially images and additional PHP files, so developing using object orientated design will make your development easier.

插件是面向对象设计的理想选择,因为它们是为在您的网站上执行任务而创建的独立模块。 您的插件通常将包含其自己CSS和JavaScript文件以及可能的图像和其他PHP文件,因此使用面向对象的设计进行开发将使您的开发更加容易。

Our upcoming real world example will be entirely object orientated. If you are interested in reading more you could have a read of my article .

我们即将到来的现实世界示例将完全面向对象。 如果您有兴趣阅读更多内容,可以阅读我的文章 。

下一步 (Next Steps)

This article has introduced you to many of the core concepts needed for WordPress plugin development. In the next article, we’ll take .

本文向您介绍了WordPress插件开发所需的许多核心概念。 在下一篇文章中,我们将 。




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